Our daily environments provide our body, mind and emotions with various kinds of impulses. Haste and lack of natures presence in our daily lives, promotes formation of unhealthy habits for humans of all ages. Moreover, humans are slowly, but purposefully moving away from nature and its core values. This is especially noticeable between city residents.
Our daily environments provide our body, mind and emotions with various kinds of impulses. Haste and lack of natures presence in our daily lives, promotes formation of unhealthy habits for humans of all ages. Moreover, humans are slowly, but purposefully moving away from nature and its core values. This is especially noticeable between city residents.
Our daily environments provide our body, mind and emotions with various kinds of impulses. Haste and lack of natures presence in our daily lives, promotes formation of unhealthy habits for humans of all ages. Moreover, humans are slowly, but purposefully moving away from nature and its core values. This is especially noticeable between city residents.